Hardball Retro

dedicated to the enrichment of casual and serious enthusiasts in all aspects of professional baseball

Posts by: David Dagostino

Pedro J. Martinez


In a day where measuring a pitcher’s ability to induce misses is vital to assembling a rotation, identifying a gauge for the alternative outcome (what happens when they don’t swing and miss) has become just as necessary in order to…

Goose Gossage

Caging the Three Headed Monster- The Closer

Let be clear … I hate saves. Whether it’s fantasy or reality, saves don’t often indicate a successful pitching performance. Most fantasy leagues require at least two relief pitchers in the starting lineup. With a 20 team league, that most…

Sandy Koufax

When Fantasy Meets Reality

Spring training is underway. Sign stealing is behind us … I hope. And Giancarlo Stanton is injured. All of that being said, the fantasy baseball world is hovering over every lineup, call up, and pitch. Mock drafts happen by the…

Billy Martin

The New “Billy Ball”

In 2003, Michael Lewis published his deep dive into what became an analytics revolution. “Moneyball” popularized Bill James theories on analytics and thrust Billy Beane reluctantly into the baseball spotlight. Take away Brad Pitt, an A’s historic win streak, and…

Isn’t It Ironic … Don’t You Think

Bill James, the father of Sabermetrics, called bunting “usually a waste of time.” Super Agent Scott Boras referred to the defensive shift as “discriminatory”, in part because his client Bryce Harper was struggling against the tactic. How do these extreme…

What Happened to Steve Carlton?

Steve Carlton, otherwise known as “Lefty”, will turn 74 this December.  In today’s age of specialization and analytics driven pitching decisions, it seems a lifetime ago since we saw a pitcher amass 280 innings.  Carlton managed to do it 5…